

Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
ELETRON10' 490738/6/2008 40
Goodbye mundo cruel 455733/13/2008 30
The end 4270311/15/2007 40
Quimbaí foi pouco 398377/18/2007 30
Déjà vu 366913/9/2007 30
Singles Release Review
É + 496508/30/2008 30
Tributo 496508/30/2008 30
5 * no coração! 496508/30/2008 30
história... 489167/31/2008 30
A saga chega ao fim. e o futuro? 482357/2/2008 30
excluídos... 473985/28/2008 30
eletron. 467194/30/2008 30
The last single 454243/7/2008 30
R.I.P 447432/8/2008 30
Zirigdun!!! Balança o saco!!! 4254311/8/2007 30
Os reis do Ieieie 4186010/11/2007 30
Quem? 411779/12/2007 30
Carater.. 403708/10/2007 30
Sem ninguem 391656/20/2007 30
Guarda Belo 381755/10/2007 30
Colombina meu amor... 363162/22/2007 30
Chora!!! 354861/18/2007 30
Nabucodonosor 3479112/20/2006 30