Go with the flow


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Fullzinho de Leve 13864410/25/2018 40
Voadora com os dois pés 1359557/5/2018 40
Singles Release Review
Fui ali e já volto! 13909511/13/2018 40
Pode apertar? 13809210/2/2018 40
Meu nome é Zé Pequeno! 1374219/4/2018 40
Shhh! 1367418/7/2018 40
Buteco 1360767/10/2018 40
BOOM! 1354036/12/2018 40