Thunder Nuggets

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
Houston Euston 141392 2/17/2019 40
Oli Pipoesko Maantiellä Poikittain 137992 9/28/2018 40
Etikkamuna 135479 6/15/2018 40
Varastoiminen on hukkaa! 133457 3/23/2018 40
Jean Pierre Kondomi 128963 9/17/2017 40
Texas Butthole tickling Bandit 128085 8/11/2017 40
Lean 52 126511 6/7/2017 40
Deep Down in Texas 125841 5/10/2017 40
Kapteeni Hermari 125105 4/9/2017 40
You ...Apple! 124303 3/7/2017 30
Kun Kikkeli kohtasi Pyllynsilmän 122431 12/19/2016 40
Burning Man 121765 11/21/2016 40
Pinppi 120514 9/30/2016 40
Nulullu 119719 8/28/2016 40
12 Pirsseliä 119074 8/1/2016 40
Onks Kalvii näkyny? 118423 7/5/2016 40
Gustav Af Pöljände 117775 6/8/2016 40
Arvoisa Munasuu 117117 5/11/2016 40
Häutaustoimisto 111415 9/17/2015 40
Byähähäää!! Nuija, nuija!! 110756 8/20/2015 40
Jilliä 109000 6/8/2015 40
Napakakka 107512 4/7/2015 40
Hänen häneisyytensä 106847 3/10/2015 40
The Filled Castro 105381 1/8/2015 40
Mr. Tithill 104348 11/26/2014 40
Mark Wave 103327 10/15/2014 40
Surströmming och pepparkakor 101922 8/17/2014 40
All Hail Captain 100640 6/25/2014 30
Natto in my pocket. 99223 4/27/2014 30
No more Lähettämö 97283 2/5/2014 30
Itchy Psoriasis (Snowing in the Summer). 94592 10/16/2013 30
Mother Flasher 93823 9/14/2013 30