Moonlight Curse

ay biraz quality

ay biraz quality is a Music Video by Moonlight Curse.

Status: Released
Studio: Afterlife Records
Producer: S. Solbjørg
Production Cost: 20,000.00 M$
Release Date: 5/19/2024

Video Shoot Details

Scene Name: ay biraz quality
Scene Status: Finished
Soundtrack: ay biraz quality
Type of Scene: Song & Dance Number
Location: Lande, Helsinki
Filming: 5/18/2024, 6:00 PM
Role Cast & Crew Performance
Actor Vinous 40
Actor Oblivion 40
Actor Madisvaj 40
Director Madisvaj 50
Actor Sinner 40
Actor Stormy 40
Current Chart Placements Position
Poland 33 (3)
Bulgaria 44 (34)
Germany 99 (-)
Italy 99 (3)
Estonia 99 (15)
Denmark 1111 (8)
Romania 1212 (22)
Azerbaijan 1616 (14)
Turkey 1818 (28)
Netherlands 1919 (20)
Bosnia and Herzegovinia 1919 (4)
Singapore 2525 (12)
Norway 3030 (12)
Hungary 3030 (23)
France 3333 (19)
Croatia 3333 (8)
Mexico 3434 (26)