no name 333

Release Parties

Make sure no one misses your new record by throwing a release party for it! If you can't afford the expensive marketing stunts on offer you should at least go for the more economic guerilla marketing options. You don't want to miss out on this opportunity to gain some extra media exposure, and song popularity, to boost your career!

Scheduling a release party is an alternative to manually releasing a record in the last minute at the click of a button. You can't do both. You can start preparing a release party on this page as soon as you've submitted your new record for release. Please remember that the date of a newly booked release party must be three days into the future!

Upcoming release parties

None found.

Previous release parties

Name Record Date
Gretos spešal stalkeris iš Maskvos Spešal stalkeris iš Maskvos 1607705/4/2021, 6:00 PM
Nesusipratimų jūra Nesusipratimų jūra 1599323/30/2021, 8:00 PM
Seksas gydo žaizdas Seksas gydo žaizdas 1590852/23/2021, 1:00 PM
Festivalio dvasia Festivalio dvasia 1586532/5/2021, 1:00 PM
Grožis, alsuojantis iš natų Grožis, alsuojantis iš natų 1584161/26/2021, 4:00 PM
Po kojom - griūvantis pasaulis Po kojom - griūvantis pasaulis 15673411/17/2020, 2:00 PM
Just dance, baby! Just dance, baby! 1555659/29/2020, 9:00 PM
.............. Fight with a wife 12212612/6/2016, 2:00 PM
Shaving fest Do not shave beard 12145311/8/2016, 1:00 PM
Evolution Evolution 12078510/11/2016, 5:00 PM
REBORN Reborn 1202839/20/2016, 7:00 PM
Next time. Next time 1201159/13/2016, 7:00 PM
Ūžia Greta, Daužos Midus Ūžia salės, daužos širdis 1187697/19/2016, 5:00 PM
Everybody taste! And lick. Test and lick 1066643/3/2015, 8:00 AM