Way Out West

The Starry Midnight Whispers

The Starry Midnight Whispers is a Music Video by Way Out West.

Status: Released
Studio: Light in the Attic
Producer: E. Mann
Production Cost: 10,000.00 M$
Release Date: 5/19/2024

Video Shoot Details

Scene Name: The Starry Midnight Whispers
Scene Status: Finished
Soundtrack: The Starry Midnight Whispers
Type of Scene: Song & Dance Number
Location: Entre-Os-Rios, Porto
Filming: 5/18/2024, 6:00 PM
Role Cast & Crew Performance
Actor Kingfisher 40
Actor Rifleman 40
Actor Shatterhand 40
Director Shatterhand 50
Actor Buffalo 40
Actor The Kid 40
Current Chart Placements Position
Germany 55 (28)
Brazil 55 (36)
Sweden 77 (7)
United Kingdom 77 (12)
Argentina 77 (32)
Denmark 77 (13)
Netherlands 77 (16)
South Africa 77 (25)
Croatia 77 (31)
Hungary 77 (14)
Estonia 99 (38)
Spain 1010 (23)
Turkey 1111 (23)
Belgium 1212 (25)
Bosnia and Herzegovinia 1212 (31)
Serbia 1414 (29)
Norway 1515 (34)
Canada 1515 (-)
Singapore 1515 (-)
Italy 1717 (30)
Romania 1717 (23)
Australia 1717 (39)
Mexico 2121 (-)
Bulgaria 2121 (-)
France 2424 (34)
Russia 2727 (37)
United States 2828 (-)
Portugal 3030 (36)
China 3131 (-)
Philippines 3333 (37)
Poland 3434 (33)